


One of the most important steps you should take before enrolling in a TEFL course, is to verify whether the school or institution is accredited by an external accrediting body.

So, what is accreditation and why is it important? Accreditation is a voluntary and rigorous, objective and independent appraisal of the overall educational quality. This is important as it helps determine whether an institution meets minimum standards. Furthermore, it helps employers determine whether a programme is valid and if graduates are qualified. We are accredited by the International TEFL Accreditation Council (ITEFLAC).


The International TEFL Institute adheres to global standards of TEFL training and accreditation. Our online TEFL courses are Internationally Recognised and Accepted in all corners of the globe.

The TEFL industry is largely unregulated, with no official government institutions regulating TEFL course providers. The International TEFL Institute is accredited by the International TEFL Accreditation Council (ITEFLAC), which is an independent body specialising in the accreditation of TEFL/TESOL course providers and institutions. Click here to view our TEFL accreditation certificate.

ITEFLAC membership assures stakeholders that the educational programs, policies and procedures of the International TEFL Institute are up to the international standards of quality. The International TEFL Institute adheres to ITEFLAC’s Standards and Code of Professional Practice. Applicants wishing to study or work at any institution should always satisfy themselves that the level of recognition of a relevant award is adequate to meet their needs.

The International TEFL Institute is an Institutional Member of Thailand TESOL and the College of Teachers (U.K.).



UK Government Recognised

All courses at the International TEFL Institute can be verified and are UK Government Recognised.

Memberships & Registrations

We are registered with Companies House UK as ITEFLI Ltd t/a International TEFL Institute – UK Company Registration Number 11759571.

The International TEFL Institute is registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP). This is a portal that is used by government departments, agencies, learners and employers to share key information about learning providers. This means that we have been verified against a recognised external source and have been allocated a UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN): 10084986.