

Drilling in the TEFL Classroom

Introducing new material through drilling

Drilling is a fundamental part of introducing new material, especially when teaching students who are of a lower level. Drilling is the process of getting the students to repeat the word until you are satisfied they can pronounce it correctly and they understand it. Students of higher levels may not need to be well-drilled, simply repeating a few times may be enough. Over time you will be able to judge how much drilling is needed.

Important warning

Drilling has the possibility to be really enjoyable to the student or equally mind-numbing. There are some simple rules to follow that can help you steer on the side of fun and avoid boring.

Tempo and energy – You should drill as fast a possible whilst still maintaining control. You need to use lots of energy. One tip is to keep varying the order in which you ask the question so that you keep the whole group on their toes and listening.

Know when to finish – Drilling should be challenging as well as high energy. As soon as the students find the material you are drilling easy, then it quickly becomes boring and perhaps tedious. Keep an eye out for how easy the students are finding it. Even if your lesson plan says 5 minutes and they have got it after 2 minutes, move on!

The process for drilling is similar whether you have introduced the word with a picture, realia or mime:

  • Introduce the first word
  • Start by getting the group to repeat the word in chorus · Pick students individually to repeat the word
  • Introduce the second word
  • Start by getting the group to repeat the word in chorus · Pick students individually to repeat the word
  • Add the first word and pick students to repeat either word by showing the relevant mime, picture or realia associated with the word
  • Introduce the third word
  • Start by getting the group to repeat the word in chorus · Pick students individually to repeat the word
  • Add the first and second word and pick students to repeat the word by showing the relevant mime, picture or realia associated with that word

And so the process continues until you have 5-8 words being revised and drilled at the same time. Another alternative is for one student to say the word and the selected student has to connect the relevant mime, picture or realia object to the word.


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Accredited by: International TEFL Accreditation Council