
Writing Genre

Domains of Writing in TEFL

Writing Genre in TEFL

Students will explore typical examples or models of different writing genres before embarking on the writing of their own. This is done in order to discover the format, layout, audience (who the reader will be), register, style and appropriate language to be used. When writing a letter, for example, students will decide whether the letter is formal or informal. They will then select the correct format to be used in a business letter or personal letter. This will, in turn, determine the register and general tone of the language to be used.

This approach to writing is extremely useful for students preparing for school examinations in English and other subjects. Students will require a certain knowledge of the conventions and style of the particular genre they are looking at. Initially, they will be required to recreate a specific style and format. There are essentially four domains of writing which can, of course, be divided into a number of subcategories.

The four basic modes (writing genre) are:

  • Persuasive Writing: The primary purpose of persuasive writing is to use language in order to influence others to do or believe what you want them to. This may be done by providing supporting evidence, appealing to the reader’s emotions, using rhetorical techniques, repeating for emphasis, using alliteration and so on.
  • Narrative Writing: The primary purpose of narrative writing is to attempt to describe a personal experience or happening in the form of a story. This is concerned with the plot, themes, setting, atmosphere and characters.
  • Descriptive Writing: The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to either describe a person, a place or an event in such a way as to enable the reader to see and feel what you are describing. This can be done by using clear and vivid details. This may be effectively done by referring to the five senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
  • Expository Writing: The primary purpose of expository writing is to give or provide information in the form of either an explanation or by giving directions.

Here are a number of subcategories of the four basic domains of writing, which may be added to:

  • Report Writing: This form of writing is used to organise and record information. It is written in order to describe or classify the way in which things are or appear to be.
  • Argumentative Writing: This form of persuasive writing attempts to make a statement that the reader will disagree with. Supporting arguments are then provided to convince the reader of this statement.
  • Creative Writing: The purpose of creative writing is to entertain the reader.
  • Informative Writing: This form of expository writing attempts to provide information in a very clear and concise way.
  • Comparison and Contrast Writing: This form of expository writing attempts to show the similarities and differences between the two subjects.
  • Literary Response: This form of expository writing attempts to provide a personal response to a piece of literature.


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