
Audio-Lingual Method

Audio-Lingual Method The Audio-Lingual Method (Audio-Lingualism) is based on the behaviourist belief that language learning is the acquisition of a set of correct language habits. The learner repeats patterns until able to produce them spontaneously. Once a given pattern – for example, subject-verb-prepositional phrase – is learned, the speaker can substitute words to make novel…

Task Based Learning

Task-Based Learning

Task-Based Learning (TBL) Task-based Learning offers an alternative to PPP for language teachers. In a task-based lesson, the teacher doesn’t pre-determine what language will be studied; the lesson is based around the completion of a central task and the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it. The lesson follows three basic…

Speaking Lesson

Speaking Lesson Plan

In the example, which follows, we will look at a speaking lesson plan which has been prepared around what students like best and least about friends. This kind of lesson allows a logical sequence from one activity to the next leading to a pre-determined objective. The teacher should have predicted any possible problems which may…

TEFL Library

TEFL Library

TEFL Library & Bookmarking Resource The TEFL Library is a portaportal and bookmarking resource that is free for all users. The TEFL Library comprises sixty-nine different categories. Each category has a drop-down menu revealing various sub-topics/links to a plethora of TEFL / TESOL materials, resources and articles. You can access this resource for future reference…

Reading Syllabus

TEFL Reading Syllabus

Reading Syllabus for Progress A TEFL reading syllabus for each proficiency level should be designed to incorporate all the skills necessary to provide a sense of moving forward; of growing achievement and progress. ELEMENTARY LEVEL In the Elementary TEFL Reading programme, students should aim to: demonstrate recognition of words and sentence patterns in English; understand…

Grammar Activities

Grammar Ideas and Techniques for the TEFL Classroom

Grammar Activities Here are a few grammar activities and techniques that you could use in the language classroom. Troublesome Grammar For practice with troublesome grammatical structures, have an assortment of dittoed multiple-choice and filling-the-blank exercises in the following areas: Verb Tenses Prepositions Question formation Adjective placement Modals Prepare an answer key for self-checking. Sentence Structuring…