
Reading Topics

TEFL Reading Topics

Selecting Appropriate Reading Topics for Different Learners

When considering appropriate reading topics in the TEFL classroom, one should consider the learners’ age and intellectual maturity. Topics aimed at young learners should, where possible, focus on concrete aspects of lifestyle and habit. For teenagers and young adults, it may be a good idea to cover topics that reflect their own experiences.

This may involve relationships, friendships, popular and social culture, exploring one’s individuality etc. They will find these topics stimulating and interesting. When selecting appropriate TEFL reading materials, it is important that you consider the following criteria:

  • Is the topic appropriate?

It is vitally important that your TEFL students find the topic interesting. Furthermore, the topic must be suitable for the particular age group and the culture of the students.

  • The length of the text

TEFL Reading texts should not be too long as reading in a second language can be particularly demanding. You do not want to discourage or de-motivate your students.

  • Language content

It is important that the TEFL reading text you have chosen contains a useful lexical set (travel, health). There should be some grammar points that can be exploited thus forming the basis of your language work.

  • Is the text generative?

Does the task lend itself to follow-up activities to follow the textual work? Are there further opportunities to extend the TEFL reading task to either speaking or writing? This will enable students to practise the language they have learnt from the text. This may include role-play, discussions or the creation of something.


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