

Teaching English in Cambodia

English Teaching Jobs in Cambodia

Cambodia’s landscape spans low-lying plains, the Mekong Delta, mountains and the Gulf of Thailand coastline. Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia and is home to the art deco Central Market, glittering Royal Palace and the National Museum’s historical and archaeological exhibits. In the country’s northwest are the ruins of Angkor Wat.

Most positions teaching English in Cambodia are on a volunteer basis, due to Cambodia being a developing nation. This is starting to change, however, and knowledge of English for Cambodian nationals is becoming a necessity for obtaining a good job. TEFL training is also becoming more necessary for foreigners to attain desirable English teaching positions. The pay is not great, but the cost of living is low.

Motorbike taxis are very inexpensive, and the quickest way to get around town. The drivers may also have some inside knowledge of the schools in the area. Make sure that you have a phone number they can reach you.

Sample Job offer 

Position for a TEFL qualified professional to teach English in Cambodia. We offer a great local salary of $US 7-10 per hour for delivering 1st class English lessons to adults and teenagers. We have a convenient schedule with class hours grouped together and a flexible working environment. The school is situated in Battambang, Cambodia. TEFL certificate and/or experience required.

Capital city: Phnom Penh

Language: Khmer

Currency: Riel (US Dollar accepted)

Typical TEFL teacher salary: US $ 8 per hour

Major TEFL location: Phnom Penh


TEFL Courses & TEFL Training Programmes

TEFL Jobs & English Teaching Positions

Accredited by: International TEFL Accreditation Council